Pension Piepenhoeker - Wellness for your body, psyche, soul & pipes

I meet Anne-Julie
regularly anywhere in Europe or USA
and over the years we have become friends.

I am proud to be friend with such an outstanding lady and artisan.

Anne-Julie - Piepenhoeker: There is so much we have to talk about.
She is not only an outstanding pipemaker
but also creates sculptures and oil paintings.

We have a lot in common - our philanthropy for example:
We both work very engaged for child protection and eldercare.

I think her most famous design is the lady-leg pipe,

but even her other pipe designs are something special and unique.

There is an extremely limited number of new and unsmoked
pipes up for sale in the world, but she promised me
to carve the one or other pipe for me.

I am very proud of

two of her oil paintaings which decorate my living room.

They are dedicated to her late husband Poul Rasmussen
who passed away in 1966.

When time has come I will visit her in Denmark
and talk with her about pipes for me.
