These are pictures from my last visit in Billīs workshop

(left to right)
Luebeck Airport
Bill at work
In Billīs garden
In Billīs Pub
Two pictures from Chicago
Yep, it works fast.
From Luebeck to London it is a one hour flight only.
In the past I spent
too much time on my charity & philanthropy.
I think time has come now to visit Bill again in the
near future.
It is always a great pleasure to meet this gentleman.

Considered by many to be the finest smoking
pipe in the world,
the ASHTON Pipe was born in 1983.
Bill Ashton-Taylor
already knew a thing or two about the art of pipe making
when he decided to begin producing pipes bearing his name.
After all, he had risen from a lad of fifteen sweeping floors
and picking up pipemaking tips to master carver and manager
of pipe making operations for the most prestigious name in the world of pipes,
Alfred Dunhill Ltd.
But even with his tremendous talent, Taylor, a humble man by nature,
didn't expect to achieve the world-wide acclaim his pipes enjoy.
In an effort to make what he calls "simply a good well made smoking pipe",
Taylor has succeeded in producing arguably the finest pipe
being made anywhere by anyone.
ASHTON pipes are truly made by hand,
and each features a hand-cut mouthpiece made from the exclusive material
Ashtonite, a unique blend of vulcanite and plexiglas, and also Vulcanite and Brindle.
This material will not tarnish like vulcanite, but is softer on the teeth
than traditional plexiglas.
Crafted in the finest old English tradition,
the ASHTON pipe offers the smoker a truly unique and unforgettable
smoking experience.
ASHTON pipes undergo a rigorous oil curing process which drives resins,
briar sap, and other impurities from the bowl of the pipe.
The beneficial effects of this process include:
1) a pipe that requires no breaking in
2) a sweet nut-like flavor from the start
3) a lighter pipe in comparison with air curing.
Available in
a variety of finishes and traditional shapes,
we invite to you to
experience for yourself
the ultimate in smoking pleasure-the ASHTON pipe.
