Sorry partners, but
in my humble opinion it makes no sense to flee
from one location to another and parties in tents we have every other
in Cuxhaven / Germany.
The show in L.A.
was cancelled because they find no smoker friendly location.
Less people come to the shows and they spend less money
because the middle class is under high pressure
because of stupid
American politics.
Have you ever heard
of the Bilderberg-Group?
There is a super elite taking control over the world.
Have you ever heard of the NAFTA - the Amero ?
The European Union is a fact - the Euro is a fact !
Germany and other European countries lost their sovereignty of the
Europe is ruled by the Bilderberg-Clan - by private Bankers.
Wake up America !
The Panama-Canal
gets new locks and they will double the traffic through the canal.
They work on the superhighway from Mexico to Canada.
The Americans lost their sovereignty of the voters...
...and on the
forums, boards, and newgroups they ask:
"What do you smoke in your pipe ???"
I made it to the shows in USA and I spent vacation in America.
Everytime I am in the States I spend thousands of Euro.
The damn smoking
bans are initiated in USA
and the Bilderbergers try to spread the bans around the globe.
More or less they
succeeded already.
Nobody is really interested in anybodies health.
The real background is a different one.
More about it all it you can read here:
I know that it are not the brave Americans
who work hard every day to get their meals paid.
the kow-it-all attitude of some self-hyped heros
and the ignorance of others
is damn counterproductive and kills a lot.
Take my "International European Pipe & Tobacco Show 2004" for example.
First of all nobody was going the risk -
and after my success others started up with shows in Rheinbach/Germany,
Bologna, and the French tried to organize a show in Paris,
which totally failed.
It were my stupid partners who killed the big internationally accepted
"International European Pipe & Tobacco Show" !
Since I started my
philanthrophy and charity
nobody in Germany blames me as a smoker or tobacconist.
I have absolutely no problems with the antis.
As a smoker and tobacconist I run a coffee-shop for seniors,
and I have a child protection agency in my house.
Smokers are happy
with it as well as non-smokers.
With smoking bans some bastards make mischief among worldwide
It is not an American problem but it comes from USA.
I did not organize the International pipe show in Cuxhaven Germany
for my private business and reputation,
and I did not start the coffee-shop for seniors and child
for my own business and reputation,
but I did it for the entire branch and I did it to defeat freedom,
democrazy and peace, and I did it all it to show my partners
how we could successfully start a new worldwide movement.
In Irland closed
thousands of pubs, in the U.K. close pubs,
in Germany close little restaurants and bars.
The smoking bans by law are an attack against freedom, democrazy, and
They will increase more problems, violence, and terror - not only in
This is not my ambition or intention.
I fight the bans
with philanthropy and charity - and it works!
This is a new
movement - and it is my answer to what Bill Gates asked for
on the WorldEconomicForum in Davos/Switzerland in January 2008:
The world needs pioneers, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs.
But I cannot do it all it alone.
That is why I registered about 1000 .com domains on my name
right after the WEF on which Bill Gates announced the millenium of
"creative capitalism".
Only for the registration I paid about 14.000,00 Euro.
Thatīs why my trip to the Chicago show was not for sure.
I invested my money in power wheelchairs, the coffee-shop, child
and domains.
I have the domains
on sale now for a little amount
and within a short period we could have 1000 more websites worldwide
online -
all connected - all working for our interests -
and I could have a budget to continue with my work,
and perhaps organize another big International European Pipe & Tobacco
Please notice
that tobacco enterprises listed on the stock exchange
who rule the financal markets
are not interested in pipe shows for consumers.
They have their fairs for resellers where consumers are not allowed
They just fear for their leadership, profit, and power.
When I asked British American Tobacco to sponsor my pipe show
the answer was: I do not meet their portfolio !
A movement needs a
strong leadership of experienced people and a budget.
It needs a portfolio, a strategy, goals and objectives.
Thatīs the way the
big enterprises operate - and succeed.
Chicago is Illinois - check out this one:
Forces Illinois
The competition among tobacconists increases the more business weakens.
Manufacturers, importers, distributers, retailers and etailers
fear for their businesses.
In these times it makes no sense to split smokers into
pipe smokers, cigar smokers, and cigarette smokers.
This only supports the antis.
Of course smoking
bans harm the one or other business -
on the other hand other businesses increase their profit and value
with increasing prices, fees and taxes.
Consumers can pay more for energy, gasoline, cars,
food, health care, insurances, etc.
Thatīs the competition of the stock exchange noted enterprises,
who do everything to increase their shareholder and stakeholder value.
They bullshit the entire herd in the bunch.
I created this site
and slept one night and a second night over it all it,
and I browsed some hundred more websites,
and now decided that I have to publish the site as it is.
Long before the show in Chicago I posted a lot information
and links to my sites on the forums, boards, and newsgroups.
It was it all it ignored.
I came with a message to Chicago but no one was interested in my message.
Seems that I fight a lonely fight for Liberty and Independence -
as all the others do.
Anyway, I learnt my lesson and concentrate on
My pals, buddies,
fellows, and friends will know what I talk about,
and they will know that I mean it well for all.
End of story !
You may continue now with my website:
on which I have good news from Forces International
and Freedom to Choose about the "International Coalition Against
and "The Aldebaran Treaty".
or just go
