Peder Jeppesen 

Freehands of Peder Christian Jeppesen, Denmark 

Flawless pipes with no filter system

His pipes I get from a danish pardner dealer.
There are so many good Danish pipe makers...
itīs impossible to have them all in stock.
If you have any queries about other Danes let me know.


The pipe is 6 3/8 inches long, about 2 inches tall, and the weight is 64 grams.
  sorry, sold ! 




The pipe is 6 inches long, 2 inches tall, and the weight is 70 grams
incl. handling & shipping

Pederīs pipes I have new in stock !
I sold about a dozen pipes from him now
and all feedbacks were positive.
Wish I could buy more from him but have no money
since I organize the pipe show :-(((